What The Fuck

This lady converted herself into a hamster.
A little bit of plastic surgery is almost normal these days as everyone wants to be perfect, but we still see people who go completely overboard with it. This Anastasia Pokreshchuk from Ukraine is a good example of this. She has already had at least $2,000 worth of injections in her face and has no…

WTF: Australian Tax Office (ATO)
A public servant (Richard Boyle) turned whistleblower employed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has had his home raided by officers from the ATO and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), after whistleblowing into abuse of power by the ATO. Also according to the news reports there is something corrupt going on when you allow mass…

WTF: The latest dance hype in Thailand seems to be a failed mating dance!
WTF!! Did they invent a new dance in Thailand? No idea what it’s called and what its purpose is. Bizarre, that’s for sure! Strange dance